
Vulnerability Management

Cyble focuses on monitoring the surge in zero-day vulnerabilities and evolving exploits. Their advanced vulnerability intelligence helps organizations prioritize and address critical security issues beyond standard Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs).
Attack Surface Management
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Prioritize Patching According to the Level of Risk

Effectively Identify

The database is not only fully aligned with the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) and National Vulnerability Database (NVD) but also provides in-depth information on a significant number of issues that are not reported by CVE/NVD.

Deep Understanding

Gain access to extensive metadata, including information on exploits, methods of attack, and solutions if available. Enhance the understanding of risk by comparing the data with discussions among threat actors in Dark Web forums.


Collaborate with top experts and receive support, a collaboration platform for Cyble analysts and clients. Stay ahead of the public by gaining early knowledge of exploits and taking prompt action.

Product Vulnerabilities

Cyble's ability to quickly and accurately identify software vulnerabilities is an essential feature for organizations in the fight against cyberattacks. By staying ahead of potential security threats, organizations can minimize the risk of cyberattacks and ensure that their assets are protected. By identifying software vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cyber criminals, organizations can take proactive measures to secure their systems and reduce the risk of data breaches or other types of cyber attacks. This not only helps to protect sensitive information, but also protects the organization's reputation and reduces the potential financial impact of a security incident.

Product Vulnerablities
Asset Vulnerablities

Asset Vulnerabilities

By staying ahead of potential security threats, organizations can ensure that their assets are protected and minimize the risk of data breaches or other types of cyber attacks. This not only helps to secure sensitive information, but also protects the organization's reputation and reduces the potential financial impact of a security incident. Cyble Asset Intelligence is a useful tool that helps organizations protect their assets from security threats by identifying and tracking vulnerabilities and allowing organizations to take proactive measures to address these vulnerabilities and prevent security incidents from occurring.

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Vulnerability management constitutes an ongoing, proactive, and frequently automated procedure to safeguard computer systems, networks, and enterprise applications against cyber threats and data breaches. Consequently, it holds a significant role in a comprehensive security strategy. Enterprises can thwart attacks and minimize potential damage by detecting, evaluating, and rectifying potential security flaws. 

The primary objective of a vulnerability management system is to curtail an organization’s overall risk exposure by addressing as many vulnerabilities as feasible. This can prove to be a demanding endeavor, given the multitude of potential vulnerabilities and the limited resources available for remediation. To stay abreast of evolving cyber threats and dynamic environments, vulnerability management must remain ongoing. 

Threat and vulnerability management systems utilize various tools and solutions to prevent and address cyber threats. An effective vulnerability management program usually comprises these elements: 

Asset discovery and inventory 

The IT department monitors and manages records for all devices, software, servers, and other elements within the company’s digital landscape. However, this can be highly complex since many organizations have thousands of assets across multiple locations. That’s why IT professionals turn to asset inventory management systems, which help provide visibility into a company’s assets, where they are located, and how they are being used. 

Vulnerability Scanners 

Vulnerability scanners typically run a series of tests on systems and networks to detect common vulnerabilities or issues. These tests can include exploiting known vulnerabilities, guessing default passwords or user accounts, or simply trying to access restricted areas. 

Patch Management 

Patch management software is a tool that aids organizations in ensuring their computer systems remain current by applying the latest security patches. Most patch management solutions automatically check for updates and prompt users when new ones are available. Some patch management systems also allow for the deployment of patches across multiple computers in an organization, making it easier to keep large fleets of machines secure. 

Configuration Management 

Security Configuration Management (SCM) software plays a pivotal role in guaranteeing secure device configurations, overseeing the approval and monitoring of security scanner modifications, and ensuring adherence to security policies. Numerous SCM solutions offer functionalities for scanning devices and networks to identify vulnerabilities, monitor corrective measures, and produce comprehensive reports on compliance with security policies. 

Security incident and event management(SIEM) 

SIEM software gathers an organization’s security data and events in real time, bringing them together. SIEM solutions are designed to give organizations visibility into everything happening across their digital estate, including IT infrastructure. This includes monitoring network traffic, identifying devices trying to connect to internal systems, keeping track of user activity, and more. 

Penetration Testing 

Penetration testing software is created to assist IT experts in discovering and capitalizing on weaknesses within computer systems. Usually, this type of software offers a user-friendly graphical interface that simplifies the initiation of attacks and examination of outcomes.  

Additionally, certain products include automation capabilities to accelerate the testing procedure. Testers can pinpoint system vulnerabilities that real-world attackers could exploit by simulating attacks. 

Threat Intelligence 

Cyber Threat Intelligence Software allows organizations to track, monitor, analyze, and prioritize potential threats to protect themselves better. Collecting data from various sources—such as exploit databases and security advisories—these solutions help companies identify trends and patterns that could indicate a future security breach or attack. 

Remediation Vulnerabilities 

Remediation involves prioritizing vulnerabilities, identifying appropriate next steps, and generating remediation tickets so IT teams can execute them. Finally, remediation tracking is essential for appropriately addressing the vulnerability or misconfiguration. 

Automation of Vulnerability Management  

Vulnerability management system automation involves utilizing software tools, technologies, and methods to autonomously detect, evaluate, and address possible vulnerabilities and hazards within your IT system. It encompasses: 

  • Automated scanning for vulnerabilities
  • Evaluating risks
  • Determining the most crucial areas for remediation 

The identification of software vulnerabilities is a complex process that requires in-depth technical knowledge and expertise. Cyble uses advanced technologies and techniques to scan software and systems to identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber criminals. This information is then analyzed and provided to organizations in a form that is easy to understand, allowing them to quickly assess the risk and take appropriate action to address the vulnerabilities. The database is fully aligned with the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) and National Vulnerability Database (NVD) but also provides in-depth information on a significant number of issues that are not reported by CVE/NVD.

Stage 1: Identification of Weaknesses 

The initial step involves the detection of vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, a critical component of any comprehensive vulnerability management program. Organizations can uncover weaknesses, threats, and potential vulnerabilities throughout their systems and networks by utilizing continuous and automated vulnerability scanners. 

Stage 2: Assessment of Vulnerabilities 

Following the identification of potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, a thorough assessment is necessary to confirm their status as genuine vulnerabilities. This assessment also involves rating them based on their risk level and prioritizing them accordingly. 

Stage 3: Handling Vulnerabilities 

Once vulnerabilities are evaluated, organizations must decide on the most suitable course of action. Ideally, they should aim to remediate, meaning they fully resolve or patch the vulnerabilities. In cases where complete remediation is not feasible, organizations can opt for mitigation, reducing the likelihood of exploitation or minimizing potential damage. Alternatively, they may choose to accept the vulnerability, especially when associated risks are low and no immediate action is required. 

Stage 4: Reporting Vulnerabilities 

After addressing vulnerabilities, it is essential to document and report them. This reporting process aids in tracking vulnerability trends across networks and ensures that organizations maintain compliance with various security standards and regulations. 


The vulnerability management tools lifecycle consists of five primary phases. Beginning with the initial step, it is important to adhere to these steps sequentially to mitigate vulnerabilities effectively. 

Step 1: Assess 

The easiest method for identifying a vulnerability involves conducting a network scan and performing a vulnerability assessment. These processes aid in uncovering misconfigurations or coding errors that could potentially be exploited to compromise an application or system. Once these vulnerabilities are identified, you can proceed to the subsequent phase. 

Step 2: Prioritize 

Vulnerabilities vary in severity, which implies that each vulnerability demands a distinct approach. Critical vulnerabilities may encompass those known for some time, not exclusively newly uncovered ones. To determine your organization’s severity levels, you can employ a risk scoring card or matrix to prioritize which vulnerabilities to address first. 

Step 3: Action 

Once you have established the order of importance for your vulnerabilities, you can initiate dealing with the highest-ranked ones. By implementing a patch management system, your security infrastructure or engineering team can address and test each vulnerability individually. These solutions could involve either short-term or long-term fixes. 

Step 4: Reassess 

To guarantee the effectiveness of patches and to stay informed about any irregularities or alterations in the vulnerability, it’s crucial to maintain ongoing monitoring. This monitoring aspect of the vulnerability management lifecycle can be conducted either manually through the assistance of a security analyst or, more frequently nowadays, with the utilization of automated tools. Once a reevaluation has been completed, teams can record this data in a vulnerability management report for documentation and future reference.  

Step 5: Improve 

Following all assessments and measures taken to address a vulnerability, one of the critical stages that can significantly influence the effectiveness of a vulnerability management program is conducting a retrospective or “lessons learned” review. This method assists management in identifying what was successful and what was not throughout the lifecycle process. Analyzing these outcomes can lead to lasting enhancements and can be utilized to inform budgetary requirements. 

Vulnerability management systems play a crucial role in assisting businesses in proactively identifying and addressing potential security issues, thus preventing these concerns from escalating into serious cybersecurity threats. This proactive approach not only safeguards a company’s reputation and financial stability by preventing data breaches and security incidents but also enhances compliance with various security standards and regulations. Additionally, by incorporating dark web monitoring, it provides organizations with valuable insights into their overall security risk posture, pinpointing areas where improvements are necessary. 

In the highly interconnected environment, conducting sporadic security scans and responding reactively to cyber threats is insufficient as a cybersecurity strategy. A robust vulnerability management procedure offers three primary benefits compared to unplanned approaches: 

Enhanced Security and Control: 

Through regular vulnerability scans and prompt patching, organizations can significantly heighten the difficulty attackers face while trying to compromise their systems. Furthermore, effective vulnerability management practices empower organizations to spot potential security weaknesses before attackers. 

Enhanced Visibility and Reporting: 

Vulnerability management offers centralized, precise, and current reporting on an organization’s security stance, granting real-time visibility into potential threats and vulnerabilities for IT personnel at all levels. 

Streamlined Operations: 

Businesses can minimize system downtimes and safeguard their data by comprehending and mitigating security risks. Furthermore, improving the overall vulnerability management process reduces the recovery time needed during incidents. 

Vulnerability Management involves the continuous cycle of recognizing, assessing, addressing, and reporting security vulnerabilities in both systems and their software. It may appear similar to vulnerability assessment at first glance. Nevertheless, the crucial distinction lies in vulnerability management being an ongoing process that encompasses vulnerability assessment.  

While Vulnerability Assessment pinpoints and categorizes risks in your network infrastructure, vulnerability management takes an extra step by making decisions regarding risk mitigation, remediation, or acceptance. Furthermore, vulnerability management also focuses on enhancing overall infrastructure and reporting. 

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